Thursday 7 January 2016

Best of 2015

So, I felt 2015 was a pretty damn good year for music so I'm going to run down my personal faves in this easy to read list!

20. Def Leppard - Def Leppard

Okay, don't run when you see this one leading off. I like all kinds of music but I was 11 when "Hysteria" came out, so I'll always have affinity for Def Lep. I think Def Leppard have released 3 studio albums since 2000. Their last effort, "Songs From The Sparkle Lounge", didn't do much for me so I was skeptical about this one. But it is better than it has any right to be. Total classic Def Leppard sound and it is definitely a welcome return.

Key Tracks: Let's Go, Wings of an Angel, Dangerous, Battle of My Own

19. Marilyn Manson - The Pale Emperor

I'm not a huge MM fan, but I do enjoy his greatest hits and "Mechanical Animals" was a solid record. I kind of lost track of MM after that album, but I saw this one come up in the new releases on Google Play so I downloaded it. I was pleasantly surprised. It has a real bluesy feel to it but still retains the trademark MM bite. Also, creepiest album cover of the year.

Key Tracks: Killing Strangers, Third Day Of A Seven Day Binge, Deep Six

18. The Decemberists - What A Terrible World, What A Beautiful World

This one came out right at the beginning of 2015 and is one that I re-visit often. I was lucky enough to see the band back in March on this tour and they put on a very good live show.

Key Tracks: Make You Better, 12/17/12, Philomena

17. Drake - If You're Reading This, You're Too Late

I like Drizzy. I like that he wears Toronto on his sleeve and I like his rather minimalist tunes. He goes for substance over grandiose. This was a surprise "mix tape" that seems more like a full fledged album to me, but semantics, I guess. I went to OVO Fest this year and while Kanye did kill it in his guest spot, Drizzy was who the crowd was there for and he delivered.

Key Tracks: Legend, Energy, 6 Man

16. Low - Ones And Sixes

I heard about Low from my friend Simon on a Facebook music forum I'm part of. I guess they've been around for a while (like 20 years) but this is the first music or record I heard from them. I like what I hear a lot. So I have downloaded the rest of their catalogue, but have yet to listen to it (I'll get around to it eventually, see album #6). "Ones And Sixes" is a mellow but melodic album that I've listened to quite a bit since I bought it in September.

Key Tracks: Spanish Translation, Gentle, No End

15. Ash - Kablammo!

I love Ash. The world honestly needs more Ash albums. This was a crowd-funded album apparently but the band rewards those who contributed (and those who contributed by purchasing) with pure power pop at its best. Seriously, if you aren't into and/or familiar with Ash, do yourself a favour and seek out "Intergalactic Sonic 7"s", their first greatest hits record, because it is pure gold. And with this record, the hits keep on coming.

Key Tracks: Let's Ride, Dispatch, Hedonism, Cocoon  

14. Paul Weller - Saturns Pattern

The modfather returns with another gem. I wrote about this record a few posts back but I really enjoy it. Like Springsteen (post coming, I swear), Paul Weller keeps getting better with age.

Key Tracks: White Sky, Saturns Pattern, Going My Way, Pick It Up

13. Wilco - Star Wars

Not so much lo-fi but more the return of tight, 3 minute tunes with impeccable melodies. This was a surprise free album and then I ended up finding the vinyl at Kops Records in Toronto for 50% off (like $12). Completely worth it. Similar to Weller and Springsteen, Wilco seem to be getting better with age.

Key Tracks: More..., The Joke Explained, Random Name Generator

12. Muse - Drones

Definitely a return to form. I didn't dislike "The 2nd Law". I did sort of dislike "The Resistance", but the albums I always revisit in the Muse catalogue are "Origin Of Symmetry" and "Absolution" due to the strong guitar presence. For the first 9 tracks, this album brings it. They apparently went back to recording as a 3-piece on this one and you can hear it. Plus, Mutt Lange co-produced. Given my affection for Def Lep, this is a big plus.

Key Tracks: Reapers, Mercy, The Handler, Psycho

11. Veruca Salt - Ghost Notes

Comeback album from the '90's alt veterans, reunited after a nasty break-up. I think honestly this is their best album. It's certainly their most consistent. The lyrics are biting, the riffs are solid. While I enjoy "8 Arms To Hold You" due to the metal-ness of it, listening to it now, a lot of tracks are somewhat dated. I don't feel that will be the case with this record. Recommended if you are looking for a band that seems to be hitting its stride...close to 20 years after last putting out a record with all 4 original members. Let's hope they keep this reunion going.

Key Tracks: Museum Of Broken Relationships, The Gospel According To Saint Me, Black And Blonde

10. Modest Mouse - Strangers To Ourselves

My wife and I had our first child the last time Modest Mouse released a full-length. Dudes, she is almost 9 now! Back then, Johnny Marr was in the band. He's gone onto solo endeavors now, but the band is still tight, writing solid, wiry tunes that ooze with Isaac Brock's quirkiness. Like Ash, the world needs more Modest Mouse, so hoping I don't have to wait until my daughter turns 18 for the next record.

Key Tracks: Ansel, Wicked Campaign, The Ground Walks, With Time In A Box, Shit In Your Cut

9. Foals - What Went Down

This is a British band that I discovered via Google Play. I don't even know how I did, I just was browsing new releases and I remembered hearing something about the band Foals, so I took a chance. Glad I did. This is a solid record, filled with both guitar anthems and off-kilter pop tunes. I think these guys are a big deal in Britain.

Key Tracks: What Went Down, Mountain At My Gates, A Knife In The Ocean

8. Ryan Adams - 1989

Yep, I dig T-Swift. What I dig more is stripped down, alt-rock/country versions of her hits. Bad Blood is completely re-invented into like a campfire hymn. My New Year's Resolution - you heard it here first - I need to learn Bad Blood on guitar. Check my progress later this year. You have to respect both T-Swift for her song writing chops and Ryan Adams for putting his stamp on these songs, with no hint of disrespect.

Key Tracks: Bad Blood, Style, Wildest Dreams

7. The Dead Weather - Dodge & Burn

Like Veruca Salt and Modest Mouse, we needed Jack White's other band to make a comeback this year. Alison Mosshart is a complete badass. At first, I didn't love this record, but I liked the back half enough to keep spinning it and I have been rewarded with songs that burrow under your skin. Mile Markers might be my favourite song of the year, or at least in the top 3. I know Jack White is a busy guy, but I have 2 requests in 2016 - get a tour going with this band and release another Dead Weather record!

Key Tracks: Mile Markers, Cop and Go, Impossible Winner, I Feel Love (Every Million Miles)

6. Sleater-Kinney - No Cities To Love

This was admittedly my first Sleater-Kinney album purchased and actually the first one I ever listened to. It's a barn burner so I went and downloaded their catalogue on Google Play and I now know what I've been missing. I've read about this band frequently. And I've seen some Portlandia episodes and I have the Pearl Jam live album where PJ opens with an acoustic set and then give it up for Sleater-Kinney (Ed Ved says (this is in the ballpark I feel) "you will now have the profound experience of hearing Sleater-Kinney"), before PJ goes back on. Don't know why I never gave them a shot before considering my complete obsession with buying music. Anyway, the lesson is when you read about a band frequently, don't wait 15 years, check them out right away! Or maybe wait and then you can have a new discovery with a huge discography to tap into.

Key Tracks: No Cities To Love, Bury Our Friends, No Anthems, Price Tag

5. Third Eye Blind - Dopamine

A six year gap between albums is fine with me when the product is of this quality. And this is despite 4 of the first 5 tracks being kinda of a bit too poppy/cute for me. But they are still catchy. What those songs lack in depth, the other 8 tracks bring it and bring it large. There are some great 3EB songs are on this record, some of which could become some of my faves. Apparently, this is it, so if that's the case, then they went out with a nice bang, just check out the confessional lyrics (Stephan Jenkins' best songs are about Charlize Theron or drugs or both) and intense guitar shredding on last track Say It.

Key Tracks: Back to Zero, Something in You, Say It, Exiles

4. El Vy - Return to the Moon

A side project from the National's Matt Berninger and his long-time friend Brent Knopf works well on many levels. While it is not The National, the songs are cut from the same sonic cloth and offer complete satisfaction. Okay, I know I said that Dead Weather track was my fave of the year, but now I think it's I'm the Man to Be from this outfit. The lyrics are off the charts weird, but the swagger is there. Sometimes you need a song to just make you feel something, even if you can't fully explain what that feeling is.

Key Tracks: I'm The Man To Be, Return To The Moon, No Time To Crank The Sun, Sad Case

3. Ghost - Meliora

My friend John gave me the heads-up on this band. By heads-up I mean he said I should run to listen to it immediately, so I did. I really feel the Satan-leaning posturing is a joke, but it doesn't matter, this is a really solid album of progressive metal. But don't run away or be turned off by that label, the songs are accessible and devoid of excessive soloing. No one really knows forsure who is in the band, but they are all players. This album grabs you from the start and doesn't let go. It also warrants and rewards repeat listens. Additionally, 2nd creepiest album cover of the year.

Key Tracks: He Is, Cirice, Absolution, Spirit

2. Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Chasing Yesterday

A really solid album that I wrote about earlier in the year. I just listened to it again today as I'm writing this and it still thrills. Some of you may be somewhat shocked that NG isn't number one on my list. It is held out of the top spot by a surprise reunion album that I don't think a lot of people saw coming.

Key Tracks: Riverman, The Ballad Of The Mighty I, The Right Stuff, The Dying Of The Light

1. Blur - The Magic Whip

As evident by last year's list, I was/am still enjoying Damon Albarn's solo album "Everyday Robots". But then Blur announced they recorded a new album, the first with all 4 original members since 1999's "13". Like Veruca Salt, "The Magic Whip" documents a band hitting its stride or at least finding comfort with one another again. Its a bit of an understated affair, but that reflects artistic maturity I think. The ballads are sublime and Go Out squalls with 1997 indie-rock fervor. Highly recommended.

Key Tracks: Go Out, Ong Ong, My Terracotta Heart, Lonesome Street

I'm definitely excited to see what 2016 holds in terms of musical surprises. Until next time...

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